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christmas subgroup photo


“…such a lovely concert on Saturday evening. It was a super and varied programme…”

[On our Summer Concert in Blakeney, July 2014. Kevin Aikens, Friends of St Nicholas’ Church]

“All those present were unanimous in their praise and appreciation not only with the presentation but also with your very varied choice of the works performed. It was a pleasure and a delight to have been present on such a superb evening of musical excellence… a really satisfying evening of entertainment.”

[On our concert featuring Aston, Elgar, Pearsall and Goodall at St David’s Church, Thorpe End, Norwich. Reg Beaumont, Chairman of the Grace Jude Concert Committee, May 2014]

“…showing skill and versatility, the 25 singers seemed equally at home in different styles, no less in unaccompanied pieces than when joined by organist Ian Tindale. The choir also distinguished itself by overcoming the technical difficulties of two lyrics by Burns.”

[On the choir’s Autumn Concert featuring music by Elgar and Macmillan. Christopher Smith, Eastern Daily Press, November 2013]

“Viva Voce Singers……were in fine form in a representative programme of choral music by Benjamin Britten……..The performers caught its (Hymn to St Peter) spirit of celebration, moving on from its solemn opening declaration to a more intimate section. This sort of flexibility in response was the hallmark of the concert. The Festival Te Deum had its grandeur while the Hymn to St Cecilia, with texts by W H Auden, was more fanciful. Intellectual religious poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins were set against simpler lyrics with a lighter touch. Switches of style gave life to the Choral Dances from the coronation opera Gloriana, and Old Joe Has Gone Fishing went roaring along.”

[On the choir’s concert of Choral Music celebrating Britten’s centenary at St Peter Mancroft, Norwich. Christopher Smith, Eastern Daily Press, November 2012.]

(of Parry’s Songs of Farewell)…this so English composition showed off many of the most positive features of the a capella ensemble’s work – the best of the six songs, My Soul there is a Country, having a power and balance…Never Weather Beaten Sail with crystal clear, fresh soprano lines maintained the standard….” “Conducted positively by Jody Butler, the two dozen voices made an indelible mark in Britten’s Hymn to Saint Cecilia in really bringing the choir to life” “…Palestrina’s Sicut Cervus…being performed with great feeling and no little subtlety. Altogether an engaging concert to mark the special occasion.”

[On the choir’s 20th anniversary concert at St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich. Michael Drake, Eastern Daily Press, November 2011]

“…fantastic attack, great accuracy, light and shade in the music, technically absolutely flawless and really invigorating to listen to…”

[Peter Wilson, Chief Executive of the Norwich Theatre Royal and chief judge of the 2011 BBC Norfolk Choir of Year competition, on the choir’s winning performance. Listen to a recording of our entry pieces Joy to the World and Let the Heaven Light Shine, and see the news article on the BBC website.]

“… the choir really came to life in a set of madrigals, the pick of which was Wilbye’s languorous Draw on Sweet Night and a most satisfying performance of Bennet’s Weep, O mine eyes. But in the final Farmer madrigal, Fair Phyllis, the choir showed versatility, precision and clarity, all of which were cleverly executed.”

[On the choir’s concert of tudor motets and madrigals at Dragon Hall, Norwich. Michael Drake, Eastern Daily Press, July 2007. Read the full review]

“The Viva Voce Singers … provide profoundly moving harmonics, interwoven into the musical tapestry.”

[On the choir’s contribution to ‘Everyman’ at the Maddermarket Theatre. Lyn McKinney, BBC Norfolk. May 2003. Read the full review]